Review: Dead Politician Society by Robin Spano
A book review of Robin Spano’s Dead Politician Society. Certainly an unusual mystery novel. Despite being billed as “A Clare Vengel Undercover Novel”…

BookNet Tech Forum 2013: From Digital Literacy to Digital Fluency
Hurrah! Today was the BookNet Canada Tech Forum at the MaRS Centre in downtown Toronto. The Canadian book publishing industry came together to talk about the future of publishing and some great new ideas were brought forward. This annual event is definitely a highlight of the year for me, offering a chance to step back […]

Review: Some Great Idea by Edward Keenan
Read this book if you live in Toronto. City politics reporter Edward Keenan has unveiled his analysis of Toronto since amalgamation, examining how neighbourhoods have grown and how they respond to different policies and developments based on their unique circumstances. Framed by this primer on urban development comes Keenan’s analysis of the three mayors since […]

Book Review of The Blondes by Emily Schultz
Emily Schultz has done it again. She’s delivered a quirky novel examining our values through whacked-out, supernatural situations

Review: Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel
I’m describing Are You My Mother? to friends as a graphic memoir. Well, it’s definitely not a graphic novel; it’s more a reflection on the author’s own imagination. In this intensely meta book, Alison Bechdel examines her relationship with her mother, her therapists, her girlfriends, and her art through the lens of psychoanalysts Freud, Donald […]

Review: In One Person by John Irving
“My dear boy, please don’t put a label on me—don’t make me a category before you get to know me!” So says the narrator, Bill, in the final page of In One Person to the son of his former schoolmate. By ending his story with this powerful utterance, the confessional narrative points to its message of embracing differences—all […]

Canadian libraries seeking a solution to ebook lending
Libraries across Canada are looking for an alternative to an ebook purchasing model that has constrained the development of ebook lending. I’m sure you are familiar with the current model, which has ebooks partitioned into a separate section from print books in the online catalogue. Library ebook wholesalers, such as Overdrive and Ebsco, have their […]